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BSAVA Guide to Procedures in Small Animal Practice, 3E



EditorNick Bexfield / Julia Riggs

価格:15,730円 (本体 14,300円+税) 送料サービス

・Release: 2024

・ISBN: 9781913859138

・328 Pages

・Trim Size: 149.9 X 22.9 X 208.3 ・Paperback



This Guide combines high-quality imagery and illustrations, access to a suite of procedural videos and clear, comprehensive step-by-step techniques to provide an essential resource for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in small animal practice. All procedures have been fully reviewed and updated, and four new procedures have been added, including cystostomy tube placement, endotracheal intubation, point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) and wet-to-dry dressings. With alphabetised procedures, clear layout and references to further information, the third edition of the Guide is a valuable reference for vets, vet nurses, graduates and experienced clinicians alike.

  • Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
  • Step-by-step practical techniques
  • Fully reviewed and updated, with new procedures added
  • Access to a suite of high-definition videos
  • High-quality images and illustrations

Table of Contents

  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • Cardiorespiratory examination
  • Dermatological examination
  • Neurological examination
  • Ophthalmic examination
  • Orthopaedic examination
  • Abdominocentesis
  • Anaphylaxis – emergency treatment
  • Arthrocentesis
  • Aseptic preparation – (a) non-surgical procedures
  • Aseptic preparation – (b) surgical procedures
  • Bandaging
  • Barium contrast media
  • Barium studies of the gastrointestinal tract – (a) oesophagus
  • Barium studies of the gastrointestinal tract – (b) stomach and small intestine
  • Barium studies of the gastrointestinal tract – (c) large intestine
  • Blood pressure measurement – (a) direct
  • Blood pressure measurement – (b) indirect
  • Blood sampling – (a) arterial
  • Blood sampling – (b) venous
  • Blood smear preparation
  • Blood transfusion – (a) collection
  • Blood transfusion – (b) cross-matching
  • Blood transfusion – (c) typing
  • Blood transfusion – (d) giving
  • Bone biopsy – needle core
  • Bone marrow aspiration
  • Bronchoalveolar lavage
  • Bronchoscopy
  • Buccal mucosal bleeding time
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • Cast application
  • Cerebrospinal fluid sampling – (a) cerebellomedullary cistern
  • Cerebrospinal fluid sampling – (b) lumbar cistern
  • Cystocentesis
  • Cystostomy tube placement
  • Ehmer sling
  • Electrocardiography
  • Endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract – (a) upper tract
  • Endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract – (b) lower tract
  • Endotracheal intubation
  • Endotracheal wash
  • Fine-needle aspiration
  • Gallbladder aspiration
  • Gastric decompression – (a) orogastric intubation
  • Gastric decompression – (b) percutaneous needle
  • Gastric decontamination
  • Gastrostomy tube placement – (a) endoscopic
  • Gastrostomy tube placement – (b) surgical
  • Haemagglutination (in-saline agglutination) test
  • Hip luxation – closed reduction
  • Intraosseous cannula placement
  • Intravenous catheter placement – (a) peripheral veins
  • Intravenous catheter placement – (b) jugular veins (modified Seldinger technique)
  • Iodinated contrast media
  • Local anaesthesia – nerve blocks
  • Myringotomy
  • Nasal oxygen administration
  • Naso-oesophageal tube placement
  • Oesophagostomy tube placement
  • Otoscopy
  • Pericardiocentesis
  • Peritoneal dialysis
  • Platelet count
  • Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS)
  • Prostatic wash
  • Retrograde urethrography/vaginourethrography
  • Rhinoscopy
  • Skin biopsy – punch biopsy
  • Spica splint
  • Thoracocentesis – needle
  • Thoracostomy tube placement – (a) trocar tube
  • Thoracostomy tube placement – (b) small-bore wire-guided
  • Tissue biopsy – needle core
  • Tracheostomy
  • Transtracheal wash
  • Urethral catheterization – (a) male dog
  • Urethral catheterization – (b) bitch
  • Urethral catheterization – (c) tomcat
  • Urethral catheterization – (d) tomcat with a blocked urethra
  • Urethral catheterization – (e) queen
  • Urethral retrograde urohydropulsion in a male dog
  • Urinalysis
  • Velpeau sling
  • Water deprivation test
  • Wet-to-dry dressings
  • Whole blood clotting time
  • Abbreviations
  • Index