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Practical Equine Dermatology, 2E

Author | : | Janet D. Littlewood / David H. Lloyd / J. Mark Craig |
価格:16,500円 (本体 15,000円+税) 送料サービス
・Release: 2022
・ISBN: 9781119765486
・224 Pages
・Trim Size: 170 X 11 X 244
A practical and comprehensive reference for equine dermatology cases
The newly revised Second Edition of Practical Equine Dermatology delivers a thorough exploration of common dermatological conditions affecting horses whilst also drawing attention to rarer conditions.
The book offers detailed advice on treatments and products currently available on the veterinary market in a problem-oriented layout that provides a practical approach to quick and efficient diagnosis. Clinical presentations, diagnostic features, and disorder management for each described condition are presented in an easy-to-digest bullet-point format supported by concise references and recommendations for further reading.
An ideal quick reference for veterinary practitioners on the key points of equine skin conditions, this new edition also includes:
- A thorough introduction to the diagnostic approach, including taking an accurate history, the clinical examination, and diagnostic tests.
- Comprehensive exploration of pruritus, including contagious conditions, such as ectoparasites and helminth infestation, and non-contagious conditions, such as insect attack and atopic dermatitis.
- Practical discussion of crusting and scaling, including primary seborrhoea and infectious causes, such as superficial fungal infections and environmental factors.
- In-depth examination of ulcers and erosions, nodules and swellings, coat problems, and pigmentary disorders.
Perfect for any practising veterinarian seeing equine cases in first opinion practice, Practical Equine Dermatology will also be of use to veterinary students with an interest in equine veterinary medicine.
Preface to the second edition
1 The diagnostic approach
Taking the history
Clinical examination
Diagnostic tests
References and Further reading
2 Pruritus
Contagious conditions
Ectoparasitic infestations
Free-living mite infestations
Helminth infestations
Microbial infections
Non-contagious conditions
Hypersensitivity disorders
Immune-mediated disease
Neurogenic pruritus
References and Further reading
3 Crusting and Scaling
Idiopathic seborrhoeic conditions
Secondary, acquired keratinisation and crusting disorders
Infectious causes
Immune-mediated causes
Environmental causes
Uncertain aetiology
References and Further reading
4 Ulcers and Erosions
Contagious causes
Immune-mediated causes
Congenital and hereditary causes
Environmental causes
Neoplastic causes
Miscellaneous dermatoses
References and Further reading
5 Papules, Nodules, and Masses
Physical conditions
Viral conditions
Bacterial infections
Fungal infections
Parasitic conditions
Immune-mediated conditions
Miscellaneous causes
References and Further reading
6 Coat Problems
Other abnormalities
References and Further reading
7 Pigmentary Disorders
Genetics of skin and coat colour
Hypopigmentation disorders
References and Further reading
8 Therapy in Equine Dermatology
Availability of veterinary medicines for equine patients
References and Further reading