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BSAVA Cognitive Aids for Anaesthesia in Small Animal Practice

Author | : | Matt McMillan |
価格:5,610円 (本体 5,100円+税) 送料サービス
・Release: 2021
・ISBN: 9781910443750
・70 Pages
・Trim Size: 140.5 X 15.3 X 240.2
The BSAVA Cognitive Aids for Anaesthesia in Small Animal Practice is a quick reference resource for veterinary teams in theatre. It includes checklists that should be completed as part of any anaesthetic procedure as well as troubleshooting guides and crisis checklists. Areas covered include:
- Equipment and drugs lists
- Pre-anaesthetic assessment lists and forms
- Intraoperative safety checklists
- Crisis checklists (e.g. hyperthermia, hypotension, haemorrhage)
- Troubleshooting guides for capnography waveforms, pulse waveforms and pulse oximetry