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Textbook of Small Animal Emergency Medicine

Editor | : | Kenneth J. Drobatz / Kate Hopper / Elizabeth A. Rozanski / Deborah C. Silverstein |
価格:43,450円 (本体 39,500円+税) 送料サービス
・Release: 2018
・ISBN: 9781119028932
・1520 Pages
・Trim Size: 218 X 56 X 282
Textbook of Small Animal Emergency Medicine offers an in-depth understanding of emergency disease processes and the underlying rationale for the diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, and prognosis for these conditions in small animals.
- ・A comprehensive reference on a major topic in veterinary medicine
- ・The only book in this discipline to cover the pathophysiology of disease in depth
- ・Edited by four respected experts in veterinary emergency medicine
- ・A core text for those studying for specialty examinations
- ・Includes access to a website with video clips, additional figures, and the figures from the book in PowerPoint