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Breed Predispositions to Disease in Dogs and Cats, 3E
Author | : | Alex Gough / Alison Thomas / Dan O'Neill |
価格:11,330円 (本体 10,300円+税) 送料サービス
・Release: 2018
・ISBN: 9781119225546
・416 Pages
・Trim Size: 170 X 20 X 241
Breed Predispositions to Disease in Dogs and Cats, Third Edition provides a comprehensive exploration of current knowledge of breed predispositions based on rigorous examination of primary research.
- ・Incorporates the latest research, new testing methods, and newly-discovered predispositions and diseases
- ・Provides expanded information on genetics, epidemiology, and longevity
- ・Includes key characteristics of diseases, including pathogenesis, genetics, risks, and common presentations
- ・Indexes dogs and cats by breed, with listings of common inherited and predisposed disorders organized by body system
- ・Includes absolute and relative frequency/occurrence data for conditions, along with references to further information