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Pathology of Small Mammal Pets



AuthorPatricia V. Turner / Marina L. Brash / Dale A. Smith

価格:20,020円 (本体 18,200円+税) 送料サービス

・Release: 2017

・ISBN: 9780813818313

・448 Pages

・Trim Size: 221 X 25 X 282

Pathology of Small Mammal Pets presents a ready reference for veterinarians, veterinary pathologists, and technicians who work with small mammal companion animals.

  • ・Provides up-to-date, practical information on common disease conditions in small mammal companion animals
  • ・Offers chapters logically organized by species, with comprehensive information on diagnosing diseases in each species
  • ・Takes a practical, system-based approach to individual disease conditions
  • ・Covers clinical signs, laboratory diagnostics, gross pathology, histopathology, and differential diagnoses in detail
  • ・Includes relevant information for conventional breeding operations and breeding facilities, with strategies for disease management in herds and colonies 
  • ・Features information on normal anatomy in included species to assist in recognizing pathology