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Brinker, Piermattei and Flo's Handbook of Small Animal Orthopedics and Fracture Repair, 5E

Author | : | Charles E. DeCamp |
価格:25,190円 (本体 22,900円+税) 送料サービス
・Release: 2015
・ISBN: 9781437723649
・880 Pages
・Trim Size: 260 X 184
This handbook covers the diagnosis, etiology, and treatment of conditions affecting the locomotor system in small animals. The 4th edition presents up-to-date information on various types of fractures and methods of fixation, lameness and joint surgery, and musculoskeletal diseases. Other key topics include: acute and chronic bone infections; transplantation, plating, wiring, and pinning techniques; bone grafting; reconstructive joint surgery; and osteochondrosis.
Key Features
- ・Clear, concise coverage covers the pathology, diagnostic work-up, surgical indications and planning, surgical approach, surgical techniques, complications, and follow-up recommendations for the most common orthopedic conditions.
- ・Step-by-step line drawings clearly illustrate different types of fractures and demonstrate the surgical procedures used to affect repairs - detail that can't be conveyed in clinical photographs.
- ・Anatomical organization provides quick access to information on both fractures and other conditions for each region of the body.
New to this Edition
- ・NEW! Advances in joint surgeries, specifically the knee, shoulder, and elbow, keep practitioners abreast of the latest technology and best practices.
- ・NEW! Coverage of minimally invasive surgery has been added to the many chapters.
- ・NEW! Advances in imaging (MRI, CT, and radiographs) are included to keep practitioners up to date on the latest technology.
- ・Updates on new fixation technologies include angle stable interlocking nails and locking plate fracture fixation systems.
- ・Updates on common surgeries include triple pelvic osteotomy and total hip replacement.
- ・NEW! High-definition clinical photographs have been added to give readers a closer view of various fractures and repair techniques.