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Surgical Patient Care for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses



AuthorGerianne Holzman / Teri Raffel

価格:10,450円 (本体 9,500円+税) 送料サービス

・Release: 2015

・ISBN: 9780470959763

・226 Pages

・Trim Size: 192 X 13 X 248

Surgical Patient Care for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses is a highly practical reference covering all aspects of caring for canine and feline surgical patients.

  • ・Covers all tasks associated with small animal surgical patient care, from the initial exam and beyond discharge
  • ・Offers clear descriptions of common surgical assisting procedures and their etiology
  • ・Presents 285 full-color clinical photographs to demonstrate common surgical instruments and assisting procedures and patient care
  • ・Includes chapters on the history and physical examination, pre-operative planning, asepsis, surgical assisting, procedures, wound management, postoperative care, and aftercare
  • ・Includes access to a companion website with review questions and answers and the figures from the book in PowerPoint