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Equine Neurology, 2E



EditorMartin Furr / Stephen Reed

価格:23,540円 (本体 21,400円+税) 送料サービス

・Release: 2015

・ISBN: 9781118501474

・504 Pages

・Trim Size: 196 X 28 X 253

Equine Neurology, Second Edition provides a fully updated new edition of the only equine-specific neurology book, with comprehensive, clinically oriented information.

  • ・Offers a complete clinical reference to neurologic conditions in equine patients
  • ・Takes a problem-based approach to present a clinically oriented perspective
  • ・Presents new chapters on imaging the nervous system, neuronal physiology, sleep disorders, head shaking, differential diagnosis of muscle trembling and weakness, and cervical articular process joint disease
  • ・Covers the basic principles of neurology, clinical topics such as the initial exam, differentials, and neuropathology, and specific conditions and disorders
  • ・Includes access to a companion website offering video clips demonstrating presenting signs