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■WSAVA 犬と猫の繁殖のガイドラインを改訂

2024-06-04 14:08 | 前の記事 | 次の記事

世界小動物獣医師会(WSAVA)は、「New Guidelines for the Control of Reproduction in Dogs and Cats」を改訂した。新たなガイドラインはWSAVAのWebサイトからダウンロードできる。


  • 1.Introduction
  •  1.1.Use of this document
  • 2.Surgical sterilisation in dogs and cats
  •  2.1.Surgical methods of sterilisation in dogs and cats associated with loss of gonadal hormones
  •  2.2.Surgical sterilisation of dogs and cats with preservation of gonadal hormones
  •  2.3.Antimicrobial use for surgical sterilisation
  •  2.4.Surgical sterilisation and pain control
  • 3.Non-surgical sterilisation in dogs and cats
  •  3.1.Hormonal downregulation
  •  3.2.Immunocontraceptives
  •  3.3.Chemical castration
  •  3.4.Mechanical methods
  •  3.5.Gene therapy
  • 4.Health benefits of sterilisation with loss of gonadal steroid hormones
  •  4.1.Female dogs
  •  4.2.Male dogs
  •  4.3.Cats
  • 5.Health detriments of sterilisation with loss of reproductive hormones
  •  5.1.Female dogs
  •  5.2.Male dogs
  •  5.3.Cats
  • 6.Ethics of Reproduction Control in dogs and cats
  •  6.1.Introduction
  •  6.2.Overpopulation and shelter intake
  •  6.3.Trap, neuter, return programmes
  •  6.4.Responsible pet ownership
  •  6.5.Variation of spaying and neutering rates
  •  6.6.Early age spaying and neutering
  •  6.7.Ethical implications of sterilisation of dogs and cats
  •  6.8.Mandatory spay and neuter laws
  •  6.9.Recommendations on reproduction control of dogs and cats in different settings
  •  6.10.Position of Reproduction Control Committee on prosthetic testicular implants
  • 7.References