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■ミツバチの獣医学書が発行される Wiley-Blackwell

2021-04-16 13:45 掲載 ・2021-04-16 14:33 更新 | 前の記事 | 次の記事

『Honey Bee Medicine for the Veterinary Practitioner』

Wiley-Blackwell社は獣医師向けのミツバチの専門書『Honey Bee Medicine for the Veterinary Practitioner』を発行した。420頁の大著。編者2名は共に獣医師で、その1人のKaneさんは養蜂家でもある。

  • Terry Ryan Kane, DVM, MS, is a veterinarian, a beekeeper, and owner of A2 Bee Vet, a practice devoted to honey bee medicine in Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
  • Cynthia M. Faux, DVM, PhD, DACVIM-LA, is a Professor of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Arizona, College of Veterinary Medicine in Oro Valley, AZ, USA.




Section Ⅰ Biology and Medical Foundations 1

  1. Looking to Nature to Solve the Health Crisis of Honey Bees
  2. The Superorganism and Herd Health for the Honey Bee
  3. Honey Bee Anatomy
  4. Physiology of the Honey Bee -- Principles for the Beekeeper and Veterinarian
  5. The Honey Bee Queen
  6. Honey Bee Strains
  7. Wild Bees: Diversity, Ecology, and Stresors of Non-Apis Bees
  8. Honey Bee Nutrition
  9. Honey Bee Microbiota and the Physiology of Antimicrobial Resistance
  10. Honey Bee Pharmacology

Section Ⅱ Beekeeping Principles for Veterinarians

  1. Equipment and Safety
  2. The Apiarist
  3. Basics of Apiary Design
  4. Clinical Examination of a Honey Bee Hive
  5. Veterinary Regulations
  6. Medical Records
  7. Epidemiology and Biosecurity

Section Ⅲ Honey Bee Diseases, Disorders, and Special Topics

  1. Parasite Transmission Between Hives and Spillover to Non-Apis Pollinators
  2. Colony Collapse Disorder and Honey Bee Health
  3. The Parasitic Mite Varroa destructor: History, Biology, Monitoring, and Management
  4. Honey Bee Viral Diseases
  5. Honey Bee Bacterial Diseases
  6. Honey Bee Fungal Diseases
  7. Honey Bee Parasites and Pests
  8. Pesticides
  9. Diagnostic Sampling
  10. Necropsy of a Hive
  11. Common Husbandry Issues
  12. Queen Rearing and Bee Breeding
  13. The Future Direction of Honey Bee Veterinary Medicine